
Lisa Boothe: ‘The Special Counsel Is Doing Himself No Favors’ By Leaking

‘I’m not convinced that the investigation will have a huge impact on the 2018 elections’
By Grabien Staff


BOOTHE: "That’s to be seen. I’m not convinced that the investigation will have a huge impact on the 2018 elections because up until this point, we have no evidence of collusion. The former FBI director himself said the president was not under investigation for collusion and then you get to this that the possible obstruction of justice is being looked at. It was a former FBI director Comey who said that no reasonable prosecutor would bring the case against Hillary Clinton. Nobody’s ever been prosecuted for using the word hoax. If you use his own logic, there doesn’t seem to be a case against President Trump for objection of justice. Until there is an actual shoe that drops, if that ever happens, I don’t necessarily think that the political impact is going to be as big as the Democratic Party would like to hope."


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