
Liz Cheney Asks Colbert What ‘Piquant’ to His Piquant Jokes About Her Means, Says ‘It’s a Very Elitist Word’

By Grabien Staff


COLBERT: "The guest is Liz Cheney. So, as I said before, I’ve made a few piquant jokes about you and your dad over the years, and I think it is important that even people who disagree about a lot of things have to understand that if we're going to have the ability to have these disagreements, as you said, we need to have a country that's a democracy, that is not a fascistic dictatorship."
CHENEY: "And what’s piquant? I don’t know what that means."
COLBERT: "Piquant is like a sharp — "
CHENEY: "Oh, it’s a very elitist word."
COLBERT: "Yes, well — "

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