
Madeleine Dean: Moderate Republicans Are Embarrassed for Their Colleagues at DoJ Hearing

‘I feel embarrassment for our committee, for the dignity of our work’
By Grabien Staff


DEAN: "I feel embarrassment for our committee, for the dignity of our work. I feel that embarrassment. Speaking to other moderate Republicans, who are sadly too quiet, they are embarrassed for this. I’m on other committees. I’m on Foreign Affairs. There is a dignity to our disagreement. You see in this committee, the Judiciary Committee, there’s no dignity. There was no oversight. This is fecklessness and fealty to one former president. And I was thinking, you know, the attorney general was sworn in to tell the truth. I wish that all of us had been sworn in to tell the truth, because you saw the lie after lie after disinformation on this committee. It is shameless, but they know no shame."

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