
Madison Cawthorn Reacts to Chappelle Roast: ‘I’m Like in the Front Row But He Hasn’t Seen Me at This Point’

‘Why would you want a guy in a wheelchair at an orgy?’
By Grabien Staff


CAWTHORN: “The Netflix specials was filmed in a D.C. audience. But anyways, his first show of that whole bit was done in Nashville. Obviously, I got a lot of friends in Nashville. And so I got like, 20 texts from people being like, dude, Dave Chappelle goes in on you for like 20 minutes, like not politically damaging, but like, he goes in on you for like 20 minutes. And so anyways, I just instantly pull up my phone and look up, you know, where's the nearest one, and he was coming to Tampa in a couple of weeks from then. And so then he comes down here to Tampa, I decided to go, and you know, for this we decided to get front row tickets. And so I'm like in the front row, but he hasn't seen me at this point. And he's saying how organized the trans people are. Like I'm never attacking them again. He's like, maybe I'll do it four more times. But like they are organized. You know I making fun of this time, is people in wheelchairs.”


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