
Mara Gay on Biden’s Bad Poll Numbers: Polls Are Just a Snapshot in Time

‘This is about turnout as much as it is about polls that are up and down on a specific candidate’
By Grabien Staff


GAY: "Yeah, I actually totally agree. I think we like to think of polls as though they’re biblical in some way or they’re perfectly scientific. It’s really more of an art in many ways. It’s just a snapshot in time of people you happen to catch on a certain day, who may or may not honestly tell you what they’re feeling. You have to put it into context of, you know, there is a choice. There will be a choice between two individuals. On that day, the question is always, which voters are the most motivated to show up? How many of them are there? Of course, campaigning matters. Getting out the vote matters. All of this is to say that there are probably many Americans who may not be feeling that excited or enthusiastic about voting for President Biden. But on the day of, I think many of them will show up anyway because they certainly don’t want the alternative in Donald Trump. I think we’ve seen that consistently in those polls. So this is about turnout as much as it is about polls that are up and down on a specific candidate. So I think it’s early and you don’t want to take polls just by their word and move on. This is about something bigger than that. There is a context here."

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