
Marc Short: Trump’s ‘Anxious’ to Provide DREAMers with Legal Status

‘We’re not looking to negotiate on citizenship, but the president does to want have a deal’
By Grabien Staff


BLITZER: "Are you willing to work with the Democrats on the dreamers, DACA?"
SHORT: "The president has expressed to work with the Democrats on DACA. We provided what we think are important immigration principles, and we’re continuing to have those conversations."
BLITZER: "Will those 700,000 or 800,000 dreamers will allowed to have legal status and stay in the United States and eventually way down the road apply for citizenship?"
SHORT: "The president is anxious to provide them with legal status and he has made that offer and we’re anxious to see what Congress comes back with."
BLITZER: "And eventually, eventually be able to apply for citizenship and not remain, quote, second class citizens —
SHORT: "We don’t want second class citizens. We’re not looking to negotiate on citizenship, but the president does to want have a deal and that’s why we’ve engaged in the conversation that provide principles of how to get there.
BLITZER: "Citizenship is on the table or off the table?
SHORT: "At this point, wolf, we’re not interesting in entertaining that right now."

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