
Mark Steyn: Unexplained Excess Mortality Is Becoming a Permanent Feature of Life in Almost Every Western Nation

‘For the last 12 or so months more or less England and Wales have had a thousand extra corpses’


STEYN: "We have unexplained excess mortality as a permanent feature of life in almost every Western nation. For the last 12 months, more or less, England and Wales have had 1000 extra corpses, piling up every week, month after month, spring, summer, autumn, winter. It's not Covid, it's something else. But exactly what? Well, the government refuses to investigate. Elsewhere, in His Majesty's dominions in the Canadian province of Alberta, cause unknown is now the leading cause of death. Across Europe, there are seriously collapsed fertility rates. Birth rates in Switzerland, down 9 percent, Finland 11 percent, Germany and Greece down 12 percent. Oh, and here's Norway. Look at this. First quarter 2018, 15,000+ births. 2019, 15,000+ babies. 2020, 15,000+ newborns. 2021, 15,000+ mewling and puking newcomers to the maternity ward. 2022, 12,000 -- oh, down almost 20 percent. Why would that be?”


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