
Matt Schlapp: Comey Is a Never Trumper Who Wants to Get Trump Out of Office at All Costs

‘He doesn’t think he has the character to be president’
By Grabien Staff


SCHLAPP: "My take is look these special government employees, this is a legitimate way to get somebody in government. Quick way to get them. In sometimes a temporary way. What I think Jim Comey had up his sleeve the whole time is Sarah is exactly right. When I left the White House, I couldn’t take any paper with me because it belonged to the taxpayers. Jim Comey wrote these memos and then colluded with his law professor friend they were written so they would could be given to the “Washington times” and “New York post” and Libya to prosecute the case against Donald Trump no matter what form. With a special counsel on the front pages of these newspapers. It was all done because Jim Comey was a never Trumper. He doesn’t think he has the character to be president. And he wants to get him out of the office at all costs."

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