
Max Boot on Trump Rally Crowd Yelling at Acosta: Seemed Like out of ‘Authoritarian Regime from the 1930s’

‘He’s attacking every pillar of our society that can stand as a check and balance upon his misbehavior’
By Grabien Staff


BOOT: “I think Asha really nailed it when she talked about how this is really serving Putin’s interest. Because as Dan Coats said, there’s a pervasive message campaign designed to divide and weaken Americans. And guess what? Donald Trump is the most important player in that pervasive campaign, whether consciously or unconsciously. That’s exactly what he’s doing. He’s dividing Americans and he's weakening our institutions. He’s attacking every pillar of our society that can stand as a check and balance upon his misbehavior starting with the press and that very ugly display that Jim Acosta was subject to at that Trump rally which seemed like something out of some kind of authoritarian regime from the 1930s." 

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