
Maxine Waters Says Trump Has Been Bad for Economy Days After Outstanding Jobs Report

‘Since day one the story of the Trump administration has been one of chaos and turmoil’
By Grabien Staff


WATERS: “Since day one, the story of the Trump administration has been one of chaos and turmoil. This creates uncertainty that threatens the progress of our economy and the opportunities available to all American households. Trump made many big promises [to hard-working] Americans about ushering in a new level of economic prosperity in America. Yet, despite all this bluster, let’s look at what Trump has actually done when it comes to our economy. None of it is good. He reversed the plan cut to federal housing administration mortgage, insurance premiums that would have saved home owners 500 a year. He issued executive actions to begin to dismantle Wall Street reform and embraced the wrong choice act, the chairman’s bill to gut Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform and consumer protection.” 

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