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Maxine Waters: Trump Can Be Impeached and Will Be Impeached

‘So all I’m saying is that I think that we have a responsibility to talk about what is going on, to explain what impeachment is and see how the discussion goes’
By Grabien Staff


WATERS: "What is this all about? And I think we have a responsibility to talk about it, and our committees of Congress should have had hearings about it. So I think we can do both. And I know that there are those who are concerned that somehow, if you talk about impeachment, you are just going to, you know, fire up the hard-core constituency of this president. Well, they are fired up already. Don’t forget, this president said he could stand on fifth avenue and shoot down fifth avenue and I guess shoot somebody and still get away with it. So all I’m saying is that I think that we have a responsibility to talk about what is going on, to explain what impeachment is and see how the discussion goes. I agree, of course, that this president can be impeached, will be impeached, and certainly has committed the kind of crimes and, high crimes and misdemeanors, that is identified by the Constitution as such that would qualify him for impeachment."

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