
Mayorkas on Whether the Impeachment Proceedings Will Undercut Border Talks: ‘I Certainly Hope Not’

‘I’m incredibly proud of coming to work every day’
By Grabien Staff


MATTINGLY: “You are so deeply engaged in the border negotiations that are going on in the Senate. Does this undercut any possibility of getting a deal onto the House floor?”
MAYORKAS: “Oh, I certainly hope not, Phil. And thanks so very much for having me this morning. You know, yesterday, I joined the bipartisan group of senators who are negotiating a solution to a much-plagued, broken immigration system. I was very privileged to participate in that. Before I did so, I was hard at work in the office with my colleagues addressing the situation at the border and addressing the many other challenges that the Department of Homeland Security confronts. And after I participated in those negotiations in providing technical and operational advice to the bipartisan group of senators, I returned to the office to perform the work of the Department of Homeland Security.”


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