
McCaskill on Colorado Decision: It’s Really a Bad Decision that Helps Trump

‘I don’t like anything that helps Donald Trump’
By Grabien Staff


MCCASKILL: “There's two hats here I wear, one as a lawyer and one as somebody who's run for office and cares deeply about the election next year. The lawyer says this is pretty obvious, that this is -- especially to a Supreme Court who is so fixated on textualism and originalism because what the language is if you put it in context of when it was written and what it was written about this is a tough one for the Supreme Court to abandon their two pillars that they claim to be making all their decisions around. So as a lawyer, I get this and I think there is a real strong case for the Supreme Court to agree with Colorado. As somebody who is a politician. I think it's a real bad decision, because I think it really helps Donald Trump.”


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