
McConnell: I’m Waiting to Hear from President Trump on What Kind of Health Care Bill He Might Sign

‘If there’s a need for some kind of interim step here to stabilize the market, we need a bill the president will actually sign’
By Grabien Staff
BASH: The devil is definitely in the details, as they say. Let's talk about health care. And the two key senators, bipartisan Senate agreement you saw this week, Lamar Alexander, the Republican, Democrat Patty Murray, they came up with a bipartisan plan to fund subsidies to insurance companies that President Trump cut off last week. Will you bring the Alexander-Murray legislation to the floor of the Senate for a vote? MCCONNELL: Well, what I'm waiting is to hear from President Trump what kind of health care bill he might sign. If there's a need for some kind of interim step here to stabilize the market, we need a bill the president will actually sign. And I'm not certain yet what the president is looking for here, but I will be happy to bring a bill to the floor if I know President Trump would sign it. BASH: Are you not clear because we have had different opinions and different signals of support and opposition from the president this week on this? MCCONNELL: Well, I think -- I think he hasn't -- I think he hasn't made a final decision. When he does, and I know that we're not just debating it, but actually passing something to be signed, I would be happy to bring it up.
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