
McConnell: Trump ‘Hasn’t Said Anything To Me That I Think Is Inappropriate’ About The Russia Probe

‘I have no criticism of the conversations that we may have had about this or other issues’
By Grabien Staff

STEPHANOPOULOS: Several reports that President Trump has been upset with the Senate investigation, called you and other senators trying to get it ended as quickly as possible, trying to curtail it. Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democratic Senator, Dianne Feinstein, said this is inappropriate interference in your investigation.

What did the president say to you about this? And how did you respond?

MCCONNELL: Well, I don’t think the president said anything to me on this subject that I considered inappropriate, so I have no criticism of the conversations that we may have had about this or other issues. He hasn’t said anything to me that I thought was inappropriate.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Has he tried...

MCCONNELL: And the investigation is going forward in the Senate on a bipartisan basis, that’s the way I felt we ought to handle this. And I think Senator Burr and Senator Warner are doing just fine.

STEPHANOPOULOS: so, the president has not tried to curtail this investigation?

MCCONNELL: He has not said anything to me that I think is inappropriate.

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