
McQuade on Cannon’s Removal Request: I Think Smith Wants the Judge to Make a Decision on This So that if Trump Wants to Appeal, He Could Do That

‘I think we are a few phases away from that actually happening’
By Grabien Staff

McQUADE: "I think we are a few phases away from that actually happening but they are in this little showdown about whether Donald Trump could raise this defense of the presidential records act which is absolute legal nonsense. It is not a defense here whatsoever and I think what Jack Smith wants the judge to do is make a decision on this issue so that if he wants to appeal he could do that. The government cannot appeal. So the judge did deny Donald Trump’s motion to dismiss the case on that basis, but what she said that is still concerning is that Donald Trump may be able to raise this again as a defense at trial. And I think Jack Smith will have a problem with that, too. So I don’t think this little battle is over just yet."

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