
Meyers to Trump: If the Queen of England Wants to Rip out a Bong with You, That’s When You Don’t Inform the FBI

‘Don’t dime on the Queen, man’


METERS: “No one’s arguing you should call the FBI after meeting with foreign leaders is part of your actual job, unless one of those leaders does or offers something illegal and even then, it depends what it is. If you meet with Putin, he says, “We hacked your opponents e-mails and stole private information,” then yes, you should call the FBI. But if you meet with the Queen of England and she says, “Wanna take a rip off of this bong,” I’d say play it cool don’t dime on her, man. Don’t dime on the Queen. But the most important thing to remember here is this is not a random hypothetical. Trump is actively inviting Russia or China or any other foreign government for that matter to actively intervene in the 2020 election on his behalf. And we know this because in 2016, Russia’s military intelligence agency known as the G.R.U. Basically took directions from Trump remember when Trump said this?”

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