
Michael Mann on ‘Green New Deal’: ‘It’s an Audacious Plan, But We Need Some Audacity’

‘The cost of inaction, of not doing something about the problem, is already far greater than the cost of taking action’
By Grabien Staff

MANN: "Well, it's an audacious plan, but we need some audacity. What we are talking about here is the greatest threat that we face as a civilization. Climate change, as you mentioned, if you just polled the American people and you asked them how much do you care about climate change? It might not rank up there in the top five issues, but it turns out that all of the things that do turn up in the top five concerns when it comes to national security or economy, are health — all of those things are impacted by climate change and I think that Americans are beginning to connect the dots. They're realizing that what climate change really is is unprecedented heatwaves and wildfires, and super storms that are having a very damaging impact on us now. And the cost of inaction, of not doing something about the problem is already far greater than the cost of taking action. And what this proposal does is to try to ensure that we do take the actions necessary to avert catastrophic additional warming of the planet."

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