
Michael Moore on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: She’s the Leader, Everybody Knows It

‘She’s the leader of this mass movement’
By Grabien Staff


VELSHI: “All right. Alexandria ocasio-cortez, is that where you’re going with this?”
MOORE: “Could be running. Could be running. She just has to be 30 by the time of —”
VELSHI: “Everyone can out Progressive each other on their platforms. You’re saying she’s got fire in the belly to get it going?”
MOORE: “She is the leader. She’s the leader, everyone knows it, everyone feels it, she’s the leader of this mass movement, I’m not talking about a movement in terms of an organization. I’m talking about a Fox News poll this week, where it said, 70% of the American public agree with her on having the top marginal rate for the rich, their taxes, 70% rate on the rich. That’s a Fox News poll saying that. Over two-thirds of the country support that.”

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