
Michelle Obama: There Are Places in America ‘Where They Don’t Even See a Vegetable’

‘When we would cook from the garden, that was the best thing’
By Grabien Staff


OBAMA: "It was just an idea. The soil was of good quality and everyone was excited about it. Then I remember when we first started digging everything out, I looked at Sam and I said, 'Dude, this better work.' What if nothing grows? Now we've launched this big thing and there was nothing certain about that idea. But it all started from that place of kind of seeing this place through the eyes of kids. That so many kids don't know where their food comes from because they're living in cities and they're living in communities where they don’t even see a vegetable and they don’t even have access to a grocery store, let alone to watch the process of something they put into the ground, turn into life and then something that they can consume. It was a very simple but powerful concept."

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