
Mike Huckabee on His MS-13 Tweet: ‘It Was Satire,’ If You Don’t Have a Sense of Humor, ‘Don’t Follow Me’

‘If you don’t have a sense of humor, if you cannot handle satire, please don’t follow me’
By Grabien Staff


BREAM: "It’s tough to have a conversation in the midst of this. I’m going to put up this tweet. With a picture of people who looked like they were gang members, you talk about the take back of the house. Folks are saying it was racist and insensitive and you are adding to this combusted conversation."
HUCKABEE: "How ridiculous. First of all, it was satire. I tell people all the time and I regularly post on my Twitter account. If you don’t have a sense of humor and you cannot handle satire, please don’t follow me. But I want to make this about race. What race was I talking about? Criminal gang? People who murdered, and mutilate little children children, that’s not a race of people. That is a gang of criminals. There’s nothing to defend and I’m amazed that there were people out there defending ms-13 and somehow saying that we were nice enough to them. I don’t want to be nice, I want them to be out of business. I appreciate the president for wanting to treat them out they are, as criminals, and people who are predators for little children and need to be taken off of our streets. The three always great to see you."

(via Mediaite)

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