
Mike Johnson: Appropriations Bill with Ukraine Will Be Married to Border Security

‘We can’t be expected to take care of other countries and other conflict if we can’t seal our own border’
By Grabien Staff


JOHNSON: "Well, with our appropriations bills, for Ukraine funding, for example, we will marry that with border security. Those two things will be handled together because we believe it’s a top priority. We can’t be expected to take care of other countries and other conflicts if we can’t seal our own border. But the other responsibility is the power of the purse, but also accountability. That's why our investigations go forward. We are holding these federal agencies accountable. They have been weaponized. They are being used on the people they are designed to protect and serve. We have to seek and push and force accountability in that way. Our committees have been very busy at that, all the committees of jurisdiction, and they will continue that."

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