
Mike Johnson to Schumer: I’m Making this Point Again, Biden ‘Has the Authority’ to Fix the Border Crisis

‘He has broad executive authority under the federal statutes’
By Grabien Staff


JOHNSON: "Here's my message to Senator Schumer: The American people are running the show here. We are the representatives of our constituents. The American people are on our side, they recognize this catastrophe has been disastrous for the country. Every state is a border state and everybody knows it. I've been traveling the country Laura, since I became speaker of the house; I've been in 15 different states doing events. It doesn't matter whether I'm out West, in the Midwest, on Long Island, a Deep South, south Florida, it's the message is the same. It's the number one issue on the hearts and minds of the American people we have to solve this crisis. And I'm going to make this point again, because Senator Schumer isn't listening apparently. The president of the United States has the authority right now to fix this crisis. He has broad executive authority under the -- under the federal statutes, and Chuck Schumer knows it and President Biden knows it. And they refuse to use that.”


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