
Mike Murphy Takes Shot at Trump W.H.: ‘Hard To Do the Kreminology’ on Them

‘Pun totally intended’
By Grabien Staff

TAPPER: It does seem like in some ways, that this is -- if you look at the White House with different power centers, there's the family power center --


TAPPER: -- there's the New York power center, there's the nationalist power center and then there's the establishment power center.

MURPHY: Right.

TAPPER: It looks like the establishment, the RNC folks, are really on their way out.

MURPHY: It seems to be that way. You know, it's tough to do the kremlinology on this. And the very fact that that's what we're doing now -- 

TAPPER: I don't know -- I don't know if they would appreciate that term.


MURPHY: Pun totally intended. But that's the smaller issue.

The bigger issue is, will it change? Will we get out of the business of trying to decide which faction is killing another faction in something that is supposed to operate very efficiently? Now we have a new chief of staff and that's going to be the question.

Will anything change? And particularly will the commitments that I think General Kelly probably got from the president that you will really be in charge, mean anything? Will it stand up?

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