
Miles Taylor: Trump Is Stronger than He Was Politically in 2016

‘I think, to a lot of people that the twice-indicted soon to be thrice-indicted Donald Trump would be the leader in the field’
By Grabien Staff


TAYLOR: "Well, to your point about the polls, I want to say that I do think that Donald Trump is stronger than he was politically in 2016. I mean, the odds markets had him at 9 percent of winning the presidency in 2016. Right now, the betting markets have him at something like 30 percent or above. And it's confounding, I think, to a lot of people that the twice-indicted, soon-to-be-probably-thrice-indicted Donald Trump would be the leader in the field. But we have to then, if that's the case, really think in a clear-eyed way about what a second term would look like. And you point to what's called the Doomsday Book. When I was at the Department of Homeland Security, one of the things we were responsible for was continuity of government, the most extraordinary presidential powers that could be used in the case of armed foreign invasion or nuclear attack. Now, I didn't find out until I was talking to former colleagues about this book that Donald Trump wasn't aware of some of those authorities, but now he is. And if returned to the White House, those are the types of things he wish he'd known about during the January 6 insurrection."

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