
Miller on Trump Cancelling a Press Conference Scheduled in N.J.: ‘Fani Willis Has a Reputation of Bringing the Smoke’

‘I would be very surprised if Drew ever let a client give a press conference alone ahead of an arraignment’
By Grabien Staff

MILLER: "This court of public opinion you’ve been playing in is very different from the field you’re about to play in, and that is the Fulton County courtroom in front of Fulton County jurors with a prosecutor who is known to be about that business. Fani Willis has a reputation of bringing the smoke. So Drew Findling, Trump’s lead lawyer in Fulton County, an experienced defense lawyer. Former president of the national association of criminal defense lawyers,  he is very savvy. I would be very surprised if Drew ever let a client give a press conference alone ahead of an arraignment, ahead of surrender.”

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