
‘Missing’ Biden Corruption Case Witness Dr. Gal Luft Details Allegations Against President’s Family

‘I did it out of deep concern that if the Bidens were to come to power, the country would be facing the same traumatic Russia collusion scandal — only this time with China’
By Grabien Staff


LUFT: “Why won’t the FBI submit to Congress the minutes from the Brussels meeting? Let everybody see what happened in Brussels. Why not? Are you trying to protect anything? Are you trying to protect anybody? I also hope that the DoJ can explain why they targeted me in Cyprus and not in my home country of Israel, where I reside most of the time. After all, the U.S shares a bilateral extradition treaty with Israel, so if any of my crimes are real and serious and this is not just political prosecution, why did the U.S. need to sneak up on me during a short visit to Cyprus? Do they not trust the Israeli judicial system to judge this issue on its merits? What’s going on here?Also, why did the DoJ wait six whole years, well beyond the statute of limitation, to indict me? And why did the DoJ choose to unseal the indictment on November 1st, 2022, the very same week of the midterm elections? Could this have anything to do with the fact or the fear that once Republicans gain control over Congress and begin to investigate, their cover-up would be in full display? And perhaps the biggest question of all: Why am I being indicted for FARA for ghost-writing an innocuous article for which I received no payment, let alone from a foreign government, when the mother of all FARA cases, the Biden systemic influence-peddling on behalf of foreign governments for which they raked millions goes unpunished? This is, in a nutshell, why I decided to act the way I did, because I do not have faith that I would receive a fair trial in a New York court. Let me tell you why. CFC Secretary General, Dr. Patrick Ho, who paid Hunter Biden a million dollars for God knows what, was not allowed to mention the word 'Biden' before the jury when he was tried in New York in 2018. The very same prosecutor who is now after me, Daniel Reichenthal, told the judge at the time that mentioning the name Biden would 'add a political dimension to the case,' and the judge agreed, which means that if I’m ever brought before a U.S court, I would not be allowed to utter the word 'Brussels' or 'Biden,' and the real context of my arrest — me being patient zero of the Biden family investigation — would be hidden from the jury. Let it sink in. I, who volunteered to inform the U.S. government about potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people whom I informed and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life. I warned the government about potential risk to the integrity of the 2020 elections. If convicted by a U.S court, would never be able to vote again in the U.S elections. Just think about it and ask yourself, who is a real criminal in this story? Thank you for listening."

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