
Mollie Hemingway: The Left Is Willing to Run Roughshod over Constitutional Freedom as Part of War over Political Opposition

‘So, it’s not surprising’
By Grabien Staff


HEMINGWAY: "Yeah, you shouldn’t be surprised because we actually had many years of examples of the government getting records from social media companies as part of their war on political opponents related to the January 6 protests and other things. So, it’s not surprising. What is kind of surprising is that Twitter actually fought this. They did not — they viewed it as a violation of their own First Amendment rights. They, of course, promised their users that if the government ever subpoenas their data, that they will notify people. They fought this, they lost that fight. But it really is interesting how much of an attack on the Constitution this special counsel and assorted things are, whether it’s an attack on the First Amendment right to protest, the free speech, or right to legal counsel, it’s just — the left is willing to just run roughshod over constitutional freedoms as part of their war on political opposition."

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