
‘Morning Joe’ Guest: Climate Change Will Increase Murder Rates, Rape, and Domestic Assault

‘For every half a de’gree of warming we’re expected to see a ten to twenty percent increase in conflicts
By Grabien Staff


WALLACE-WELLS: “There’s uncertainty in all the predictions. so they may be a little off. But we know we’re entering into an unprecedented climate and that all of the ways that that will transform how we live on this Earth, it’s an innumerable list, public health, economic growth, conflict. For every half a degree of warming we’re expected to see a ten to twenty percent increase in conflicts. So if we get to where we’re going by the end of the century, we could have twice as much war as we have today. And that conflict happens even at the individual levels, so we’ll see rises in murder rates and rape, domestic assault. It spikes the rates at which people are admitted to mental hospitals. Absolutely every aspect of life on this Earth is scheduled to be transformed by climate change and that’s really what my book is about, not just what the science tells us about what’s going to happen but how the way that we will live will be changed by these forces.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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