
‘Morning Joe’ Panel on NBC Hiring Ronna McDaniel: We Hope NBC Will Reconsider Its Decision

‘It goes without saying that she will not be a guest on “Morning Joe” in her capacity as a paid contributor’
By Grabien Staff


BRZEZINSKI: "Let's talk about the hiring of former RNC Chair Rhonda McDaniel."
SCARBOROUGH: "Well, she was on Sunday's 'Meet the Press,' it was her first appearance since the NBC News hired her as a political analyst. I know you won't be surprised to know that we've been inundated with calls this weekend as have most people connected with this network about NBC's decision to hire her. We learned about the hiring when we read about it in the press on Friday. We weren't asked our opinion of the hiring, but if we were we would have strongly objected to it for several reasons, including, but not limited to, as lawyers might say, Ms. McDaniel's role in Donald Trump's fake electoral scheme and her pressuring election officials to not certify election results while Donald Trump was on the phone."
BRZEZINSKI: "To be clear, we believe NBC News should seek out conservative Republican voices to provide balance in their election coverage. But it should be conservative Republicans, not a person who used her position of power to be an anti-democracy election denier, and we hope NBC will reconsider its decision.”


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