
‘Morning Joe’ Panel Praises Biden: ‘The Best Speech of His Presidency’

‘He gave a lot more than he got!’
By Grabien Staff


PALMIERI: “Last year, you know, this is when — if people were going to challenge him in the Democratic primary, this time last year was going to be when they needed to do it. It was a State of the Union that was so strong last year that made people realize, 'I’m not challenging this guy. I’m not challenging this guy and the record he has or the vigor he has, the experience he has.' And then last night, I mean, that was even a bigger tour de force. It really felt like President Biden came into his own, right?"
SCARBOROUGH: "Oh, no doubt about it. It was his best speech of his presidency, by far, strongest speech, and most importantly, for people that were thinking, 'Oh, he’s too old, too this, too that,' man, like I said, he gave a lot more than he got. He made these Republicans look like fools time and time again.” 

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