Collapse Unlike ‘Extremist’ Tea Party, Today’s Townhall Protesters ‘Mainstream’

‘This is a mainstream broad uprising by majority of voters of Americans who did not vote for the president or did not vote at all’
By Grabien Staff

JEAN-PIERRE: “That’s right. When we talk about the tea party, that was a minority, that was an extremist right wing minority that came out and look what they were able to accomplish. What we’re seeing today is very different. I don’t think there’s much of a comparison. This is the mainstream — this is a mainstream broad uprising by majority of voters of Americans who did not vote for the president or did not vote at all or just said, hey, we do not want these hateful policies. That’s what we’re seeing and I think to — you know, I think to your point, Chris, elections have consequences. And this is it.”

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