
MSNBC Guest: ‘Evangelical Christianity’ Now Represents ‘White Supremacy,’ this ‘Is What Hell Looks Like’

‘ bozo in a cowboy hat is the past’
By Grabien Staff

SCHAEFFER: "Listen, what we're watching here is a massive shift in politics and religion. American white evangelical Christianity that I grew up in, is now part of a white supist movement that wants to hold onto power whether it's by gerrymanders, voter suppression, white supremacy or violence. They know the gun lobby is making a fortune selling guns to people that shouldn't have them. They will go along with this as long as it's part of their party platform that keeps them in pow we are the dollars that flow to candidates and the rest. We're talking about a morally bankrupt religious movement. We're talking about a country that, thank God, faces a hopeful future because as a speaker before said the California trend of ethnic diversity, less racism, tolerance, accepting homosexuality as a normal, human behavior, these things are on
-- ascendant."

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