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MSNBC: Judge Rules Bowe Bergdahl Should Serve No Prison Time

‘Bowe Bergdahl as you said will not serve prison time’
By Grabien Staff


NICHOLS: “He’s going to be reduced in rank all the way down to E-1. He will face roughly a $10,000 fine, and he will lose his benefits, including medical benefits, going forward. But he will not face time in jail. Remember, the prosecution had asked for 14 years. The crimes that he pleaded guilty to, which is misbehavior before the enemy and desertion, carried up to life in prison. He is not getting any prison time. This has been controversial, the entire case. You remember there was a prison swap back in 2014 where then-President Obama exchanged five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay for Bowe Bergdahl. He then faced this court-martial trial. We now have a verdict and Bowe Bergdahl will be expelled dishonorably from the military, but he will not face prison time. It is going to be an interesting discussion going forward. Remember, President Trump throughout the campaign suggested that Bergdahl should be shot, should be executed, but Bowe Bergdahl, former sergeant soon to be knocked down to an E-1 grade, will be discharged dishonorably but will not face prison time."

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