
MSNBC Panel: 2024 Election Is About Democracy; ‘If You Like Lower Taxes, Less Regulation, This Isn’t the Moment to Have That Debate’

‘...about democracy, about preserving democracy, about bolstering democracy’
By Grabien Staff


FREEMAN: “The lines of what was just said, this is an election that’s going to be about democracy, about preserving democracy, about bolstering democracy, about appreciating what it is and keeping power away from people who are blatantly asserting that they don’t respect it. Right? And what is at the heart of democracy? Among other things, accountability, if you are in power and you are given power, you are accountable for how you use or misuse that power. And the rule of law. So, anyone who is trouncing those things, accountability and the rule of law, does not deserve to be given power. So, I totally agree and even express it even more aggressively. This coming election is going to be about what Americans think about democracy.”

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