
MSNBC’s Katie Phang Accuses GOP of Trying to Bury Black History

‘It sounds like it’s going to get to the point where you can’t be black and actually physically be in a classroom at this rate’
By Grabien Staff

(via NewsBusters)

On Thursday's The Beat on MSNBC, fill-in host Katie Phang devoted a segment to promoting the fake news that Republican governors like Ron DeSantis are preventing black history from being taught in schools even though the curriculum he adopted requires the teaching of black history, including the parts that involve slavery.

Phang loaded the segment with hyperbole as she fearmongered that teachers could be arrested "simply for teaching history" or for "simply telling the truth," and even cracked: "It sounds like it's going to get to the point where you can't be black and actually physically be in a classroom at this rate."

This installment of fake news began with a clip of author Toni Morrison from 1982 claiming that whites were trying to stop their children from being allowed to read certain things, leading Phang to use it to set up the discussion: "But those words, they ring true decades later as today marks the first day of Black History Month, and many educators across the country are grappling with restrictions on how they can teach it, if at all. So far, 17 states have enacted laws restricting how teachers can discuss race in the classroom."


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