
MSNBC’s Sanchez on Hospital Bombing: The Israeli Army Has Said Things in the Past ‘That Turned out Not to Be True’

‘So we are dealing with a classic loss of life situation’
By Grabien Staff


SANCHEZ: “Now, as you said, the Israeli military is saying that at the time this hospital was hit, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, which is a smaller terrorist group that operates alongside Hamas in Gaza, was in the midst of firing a barrage of rockets into Israel, and the Israeli military says, 'Intelligence from multiple sources that we have in our hands indicates that Islamic Jihad is responsible for the failed rocket launch which hit the hospital in Gaza.' So, Nicolle, this is an absolutely classic fog-of-war situation and we should be really clear, NBC News is not able to get into Gaza right now, the Israeli border is sealed, the Egyptian border is sealed, our teams are not able to get there and to verify this directly. We should also say that the Israeli military at this point is not providing any evidence to back up its claims that this was a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket. They are citing intelligence that they have not yet made public. We should also say that this kind of death toll is not what you normally associate with Palestinian rockets. These rockets are dangerous, they are deadly, they do not tend to kill hundreds of people in a single strike in the way that Israeli high explosives, especially these bunker buster bombs that are used to target these Hamas tunnels under Gaza City, do have the potential to kill hundreds of people. And we should say finally that there are instances in the past where the Israeli military has said things in the immediate aftermath of an incident that have turned out not to be true in the long run.” 

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