
MSNBC’s Velshi: ‘Anyone Who Says the Economy Is in Bad Shape Right Now Is Uninformed or They’re Gaslighting You’

‘There’s no evidence to suggest that we would see a stronger economy if Donald Trump returned to the White House’
By Grabien Staff


VELSHI: “It’s worth reminding everyone that President Biden doesn’t control inflation, just like President Trump isn’t the one who controlled inflation when it was going down. When inflation hit its recent highs in America, it was up all around the world. American inflation was comparatively lower than in similar countries like Western Europe. But the Biden economy has been strong. Strong job growth, historically low unemployment, rising wages, growing consumer confidence, strong economic growth, lower inflation, and a stock market that’s breaking records. There’s no evidence to suggest that we would see a stronger economy if Donald Trump returned to the White House. And anyone who says the economy is in bad shape right now is uninformed or they’re gaslighting you.”

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