
MSNBC: Thousands Gathering in D.C. for March for Gaza Rally

‘Up to 25,000 people are what the organizers here are expecting’
By Grabien Staff


JACKSON: "Good afternoon, Katie. So crowds are really starting to gather here. We’ve been out here for the last hour and just seeing the crowd continue to grow. We are told that a couple of thousand people, up to 25,000 people are what the organizers here are expecting. People coming from all across the country. We’ve talked to people from Michigan, from New York, and from other places, and they say that their message is clear. They want the Biden Administration to stop funding and supporting Israel when it comes to this conflict, and they’re also calling for a cease-fire. Speakers are expected to take the stage around one pm eastern time. Some of the speakers that are going beyond the stage or people who have lost loved ones in this war. We spoke with a couple of people already, and these are just really emotional stories that they are telling. One man that he spoke with says that he has lost nearly 100 family members in the Gaza Strip during this conflict, and he gave an emotional plea just asking the Biden Administration to take action and calling for that cease-fire.”

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