
MSNBC: White House Says They Had ‘Absolutely No Advance Notice’ on DoJ Hunter Biden Announcement

‘This is really a White House that has been consistent with several Department of Justice probes’
By Grabien Staff


ALBA: “So, within the context of all of that, they have always tried to frame this to a personal family matter that really has now extended to one that is political that you simply cannot ignore, when the president of the United States and his own son are currently under their own very different special counsel investigations of course. So, the White House said they had absolutely no advance notice of any of this, which, again, is consistent with what we have seen in the past, that top senior officials including the president, learned about this just like everyone else did, which was when it became public from Attorney General Merrick Garland’s own statement, Katy. And he is set to depart here in just a couple of hours for Rehoboth Beach for the weekend. It’s unclear whether he’ll want to weigh in or say anything on this matter. I think, again, the White House privately is saying what they want to project publicly, which is, we’re not going to touch this, but this is a father who sometimes will speak about his son in the terms and context of that relationship, and the president has done that in the past and could do so again today.”

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