
MSNBC’s Tur Distraught Texas Gov. Abbott Urged People to Pray, Get Closer to God

‘Is that all we can do here ... just pray?’
By Grabien Staff


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KING: "We all agree, praying and hugs are very good, but what can we do to keep these weapons out of people that you are saying yourself are evil? What can we do about that?"
ABBOTT: "Well, the important thing is, if you go back to early times of this world to the times of yesterday and last week, evil exists in this world. And I’m going to use the words of the citizens of Sutherland Springs themselves and that is, they want to work together for love to overcome evil. And you do that by working with God."
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TUR: "So Gayle King said at the top there that prayers and hugs are good, and nobody is going to argue that. Governor Abbott basically just said, 'Pray harder. Work with God.' Is that all we can do here, just pray?"

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