
MSNBC’s Wallace Praises Michael Steele After He Suggests Trump Wanted White Nationalist to Succeed with Killing Spree

‘That’s a brave thing to say’


STEELE: "My glass is no longer half full, it’s just overflowing with all of the crazy that comes out of Trump. On this one, why would we be surprised a self-proclaimed nationalist would not speak out against a self-proclaimed white nationalist? Why are we asking this is a space Donald Trump is going to go in on behalf of the American ideal? No, he’s not. These are his people, all right. And he’s not going to thank law enforcement because he’s probably not happy about what law enforcement did."
WALLACE: "Is that where we are?"
STEELE: "That’s where we are. I call the space where we are, we are. I’m not going to try to dress it up and be all pie in the sky and hopeful that oh, the next incident, Donald Trump will actually get it right, will he have matured in his presidency enough to act like a president."
WALLACE: "That’s a brave thing to say. Let me just draw you out on that. If he carried out on the attacks, what do you think the president would have done?"
STEELE: "That’s the next test in all of this. That’s a very good question and absolutely the next test. We can sit here and honestly say we would hope there would be the appropriate level of outrage and pushback and all hands on deck to your point about the Justice Department and those responding, but here we sit and we have the little question mark over — little thought bubble as a question mark, I don’t know what he would do. And that’s the sad spot about all of this. And you have communities of --"

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