
Nancy Pelosi Lectures Immigration Protesters: ‘You Don’t Know What You’re Talking About’

‘That’s enough!’
By Grabien Staff


PELOSI: "All right. Look, what I interpret from what you are saying, you do not want us to proceed with DREAM Act because it's not comprehensive immigration reform. We all are fighting for comprehensive immigration reform. We have said to everyone, report to us any deportations because they're telling us they are not happening. And — and — and — [cross-talk] — wait a minute. Wait a minute! You just wait a minute. You just wait a minute. But if you don't — if you do not want to listen — if you do not want to listen..."      
PROTESTERS: "Where were you when we asked — [cross-talk]"
PELOSI: "They never asked."
PROTESTERS: "And now you tell us, you have the audacity to tell us you have been fighting deportation?"
PELOSI: "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes, I am."
PROTESTERS: "You are a liar! You are a liar!"
PELOSI: "You don't know what you're talking about."

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