
NBC Legal Analyst on Trump: The Republican Voters Need To Know Are They Voting for a Convicted Felon or He’ll Be Acquitted

‘This is a very big deal’
By Grabien Staff


CHRISTIAN: "I think they will. And you're right, Jack Smith said, everything but that has to be a prompt resolution because of the November 2024 election, that’s clearly what he meant. He couldn’t say it because it would seem political, but it is a resolution that should be done. The Republican primary voters need to know, are they voting for a convicted felon or will he be acquitted? And I never like to predict what the Supreme Court will do, but I think they will, because this is a very big deal and high national interest. I know the Trump team has said, because it's such an important case, 'Let the appellate process work its way first through the court of appeals, then the Supreme Court.' But I think, just as in the President Nixon case, the Supreme Court probably will just so reach in. They're going to have the case anyway. Do it now. Why wait?"

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