
NBC News: Fake Biden Robocall Tells New Hampshire Dems Not to Vote Tomorrow

‘This is going to be something we’re going to see more and more of throughout the election’
By Grabien Staff


COLLIER: “You know, I’ve spoken all day today with AI and disinformation experts, and they’re pretty resounding there’s not an exact way to say with absolute certainty that this was a voice cloning AI program, but they’re pretty confident that it was. These things are so cheap, they’re so easy to find, even for free online. It’s just kind of a given, I think, in all their minds that this is going to be something we’re going to see more and more and more of throughout the election from now until November. The FEC, I was checking with them today, they have no role — they haven’t even decided yet if they’re going to create a rulemaking process prohibiting deepfakes in political campaigning.”

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