
NBC News’ Frank Figliuzzi Warns Supreme Court Decision Could Strengthen Trump and Potential for Violence

‘What you now have is a totally unchecked actor all over media’


FIGLIUZZI: “At least for now, in the last 4 years, the president has had some constraints on him as president. He can’t do things that are totally off the charts, there are still people in lawyers around who could tell him ‘You can’t do that sir, you can’t fire this guy, you shouldn’t do that.’

When he leaves, and if he’s right about creating his own media empire and digital platform, and declaring simultaneously that he’s a candidate in 2024, what you now have is a totally unchecked actor all over media, with 70 million votes of people who will follow him, and you know, a hundred million or whatever he’s got on Twitter following him.

He becomes unchecked and his people, in the eyes of his base he becomes the hero, the wronged hero, who must be avenged. This outrage must be avenged. He’s our guy.

And so I’m concerned that it’s actually strengthened, and then add to it the QAnon folks who have been elected to Congress, right, and you could see a recipe where this doesn’t go away, this lunacy becomes embedded in our society and our culture.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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