
NBC News: Multiple People Killed in University of Nevada Shooting, Police Say Suspect Also Dead

‘We are awaiting a briefing from authorities with the very latest on this situation’
By Grabien Staff


NOBLES: “We’re going to turn now back to that breaking news out of Las Vegas. Two senior law enforcement officials are telling NBC News that multiple people have been killed in the shooting at the University of Nevada. We do not yet know the exact number killed. Now, as we reported earlier this hour, Las Vegas police say that the suspect has been located and is also deceased. We are awaiting a briefing from authorities with the very latest on this situation, that could begin at any minute. When it happens, we’ll take it live. The FBI is on the scene and assisting law enforcement in the investigation. Now, the university is also asking people on campus to shelter in place as police evacuate these buildings one at a time and the university also remains closed for the day. Joining me now is Emilie Ikeda, who is tracking this situation for us. Emilie, it does — as we just reported, the police now say that there appear to be multiple victims, but we don’t know how many at this particular moment, correct?”

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