
NBC News: Report on Biden Classified Docs Includes ‘a Scathing Analysis of Mr. Biden’s Mental Capacity’

‘The president struggled to remember key details, including when he was vice president, when his son Beau died’
By Grabien Staff


WELKER: “The report also includes a scathing analysis of Mr. Biden’s mental capacity, saying that one of the reasons they declined to bring charges was because ‘at trial. Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.’ Now, the report goes even further, saying that in his interview with the special counsel, the president struggled to remember key details, including when he was vice president, when his son Beau died. They also note, in separate recorded conversations, his communication was painfully slow, that he struggled to remember events, straining at times to read and relay his own notebook entries.”

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