
NBC Welcomes Hillary Clinton’s ‘Return to the Spotlight’

‘In the meantime, after taking some time away from public eye following the election, Hillary Clinton appears ready to return to the spotlight’
By Grabien Staff

NBC Welcomes Hillary Clinton’s ‘Return to the Spotlight’ (NewsBusters)

On Thursday, NBC’s Today devoted nearly three minutes of air time to a report touting Hillary Clinton’s “return to the spotlight” and “re-emergence” on the public stage “With some big plans, including a new book and a series of speeches...”

Co-host Matt Lauer eagerly told viewers: “...after taking some time away from public eye following the election, Hillary Clinton appears ready to return to the spotlight.” In the report that followed, correspondent Peter Alexander proclaimed: “After a couple months of largely staying on the sidelines, Hillary Clinton isn't launching a comeback but it is a re-emergence. With some big plans, including a new book and a series of speeches all teeing up her first extended reaction to one of the most intense elections in modern American history.”

After a soundbite played of New York theatergoers applauding the defeated Democratic nominee, Alexander gushed: “Cheers for Hillary Clinton on Broadway. The audience chanting her name before a show late Wednesday. And many waiting to catch a glimpse as she left with here husband Bill Clinton, taking selfies with fans.”

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