
NBC’s Welker: Joe DiGenova ‘Engages in Bare-Knuckle Tactics’

‘This is someone who engages in bare-knuckle tactics’
By Grabien Staff


WELKER: "It would be a very high-profile, Andrea. Let me start with the Ted Olson piece of this as you pointed out. Former solicitor general under George Bush and then has that very wide range of experience that you just mapped out. If he were to be added, again, this would be seen as taking a tougher stance, someone who’s got a lot of experience in these type of high-profile legal cases. Now, I tried to drill down on whether or not this is actually going to happen. I can tell you Jay Sekulow not commenting on this. I did speak with John Dowd who said, look, the 'Washington Post' may know more than he does but bottom line, he says Ted Olson is a great lawyer and a great patriot. So not necessarily waving us off of the reporting, Andrea, or the fact that this would potentially be a move that he would support. Then to the other piece of this, the fact that we did learn late last night that they are adding Joe diGenova, someone who has accused the FBI of essentially setting up the president. This is someone who engages in bare-knuckle tactics. Represents the fact, Andrea, that the president is looking to toughen his stance when it comes to dealing with this ongoing Russian probe."

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